Pharrell is Happy – How bout you?

As I think about Pharrell’s ” Happy” song and the popularity of this song – I know you’ve heard it so much by now that you’re singing and dancing along. (smile) I know I am singing and dancing to it and I know most of the chorus by heart.  I liked the music and beat from the first day I heard it, but they play the “happy” song everywhere I go and I was beginning to get tired of hearing it.  So as I was driving and the “happy” song played on the radio once again. I listened closely to the words and realized that the concept was really simple, yet powerful!

Pharrell tells us over and over that he’s “happy”, then Pharrell tells us how “happy” he is. Pharrell goes on to tell us that he’s made a decision that no matter what comes his way, or what anyone has to say, he chooses to stay “happy”.  He is not going to let anyone or anything bring him down.  Sounds too simple right? Can we just decide to be “happy” no matter what’s happening in our lives?  If we did, what would happen?

Well, let’s see.  Pharrell never said in his “happy” song that he doesn’t have any problems. He simply said he wasn’t going to let that change his decision to be happy.  As I talked to God about it, God reminded me that this came from Him in Philippians 4:10-14 (msg). I’m glad in God, far happier than you would ever guess—happy that you’re again showing such strong concern for me. Not that you ever quit praying and thinking about me. You just had no chance to show it. Actually, I don’t have a sense of needing anything personally. I’ve learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I’m just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I’ve found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am. I don’t mean that your help didn’t mean a lot to me—it did. It was a beautiful thing that you came alongside me in my troubles.

Above, Paul is speaking to the Philippian people about his appreciation of their generosity toward him.  Because of the persecution of Christians, their support did not always get to Paul. So Paul tells them how he had to learn to be “happy” when he had a lot, and “happy” when he only had a little. Paul knew that his strength and joy came from Jesus, not his circumstances – whether good or bad.  This takes your happiness out of the hands of people and back in the hands of Jesus where it comes from anyway.

OK, this sounds good, but can we really do it? I decided a long time ago that I was going to dictate my emotions, not people or what people may or may not do. When I first started to strategically meet with God about His vision for me I stated to make a vision board each year.  On my vision board for 2013, the goal for my life and family was not only to be “happy”, but to “live in my dreams”.  Satan told me that I have too many dreams for them all to come true, but I chose to believe God anyway. He told me that I had too many big dreams, that I should let go of the big dreams, but I chose to believe God anyway. I then chose to work the plan for my life that God had given me, and guess what? My dreams have been coming true. And this is only the beginning! Yeah!

Being Happy!

As we know, our dreams come from God in seed form. And like all seeds, they have to be planted in good soil (that’s you). Then you have to water the soil so the seed can grow – as you stay connected to God, listening to Him, the watering takes place. To help you get off to a great start, here’s a free secret I’m only telling you – take control over your mouth and what you say. A lot of people curse and kill their dream seeds by the negative things that they say. I’ll go into detail about that later because that’s a whole lesson in itself. Here’s another tip – do the right things you already know you should be doing as you and God develop your new plan of action.

Consider that no matter what issues you are currently facing, you are still blessed. You are still alive; you still have another day to win whatever fight you are in & winning is guaranteed with God.  That makes you blessed so why not be happy too!

Now, just in case you have not heard this song or you don’t know the lyrics, click here.

So, just like Pharrell, I’ve decided to be “happy”, too.  Just like Pharrell, I’ve decided that no matter what someone says or even does, I will NOT allow it to bring me down or change my decision to be “happy”. Pharrell and I are happy. How bout you – are you happy?


  • S. Daniels

    I chose to be happy in all things!

  • What Do You Know "Good"? -

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