Let’s Celebrate You – You’re Worth It!

When was last time you celebrated yourself?  When was the last time you did something good for yourself on purpose because you acknowledge all the good stuff God put in you?  Wouldn’t that be a great way to show God & the world that you appreciate how good you have been made?  Regardless of any mistakes you may have made, you still have reached a lot of goals in your life, you’re doing things that you need to do to make in your dreams come!  You need to celebrate that!

For years, every year, when my birthday comes, I celebrate the entire month.  I plan & arrange all of the celebrations a month or two before.  That way I use my birthday as an excuse to spend time with my various friends and family that I love.  I use this time to celebrate me & everything I’ve accomplished over the previous 12 months.  I use this time to simply celebrate what’s good in my life!

As we live our lives Satan likes to crap on it because it seems he does not like us to be happy for very long.  It gives him pleasure to make us miserable.  Each of our lives will be tested and tried as we move forward to fulfill our goals & our divine purpose.  Sometimes going through some of these tests can wear on us and bring heaviness & darkness into our lives due to the severity of some of these tests, situations and circumstances.

Our lives are challenged by various acts of violence, job loss, unexpected deaths, etc.  When your life is hit with any of these things you may have been knocked down for the count.  But no matter what has hit your life, no one can take away the power God put in you when He made you!  Just in case you didn’t know this, let me help you out with something.  Nothing that has happened to you in your life is a surprise to God!  That’s why He put in you everything you would ever need to defeat anything & everything that could ever come against you!

I’m not sure if you know this, but God made you good.  He puts some of his best stuff in you but it’s up to you to discover, uncover & develop that stuff so that you can go from being good to being great!  The bible shows us God’s intent in Genesis 1:27 – 28: (amp) 27 So God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; male and female He created them. 28 And God blessed them [granting them certain authority] and said to them, “Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth, and subjugate it [putting it under your power]; and rule over (dominate) the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and every living thing that moves upon the earth.”  But how do you do that?  How do you discover what good stuff God put in you?

Well, to keep things extremely simple, just go to God & ask because He’s the one who made you. He’s your manufacturer.  So start there by just simply asking the questions you want answered.  James 4:2: (cev)2 … You don’t have because you don’t ask…. In these conversations please make sure you talk to him about the things you love, the things you hate, the things you dream of doing.  Make sure you take good notes because you’re gonna find that while talking to God He reveals many great things to you.

Celebrate YouIf you want a good starting point, pick up Rick Warren’s “Purpose Driven Life” book.  It is a great place to start.  As you are doing this, here are some additional things you can also do.

  1. Don’t forget all of the achievements & other good things you have been able to accomplish. Keep a running list.
  1. Start each day with some sort of celebration. Whether you’re sitting at the window watching God work via nature while having your morning coffee or tea or singing like you’re a superstar in your mirror, or any other way that brings a big smile to your face, you should start your day by celebrating how important you are to God & the world every day.
  1. Increase your gratitude! You are blessed – today, right in the middle of your current situation, you are blessed.  If you’re still breathing, you are blessed.
  1. Create a party atmosphere at home. Buy yourself your favorite flowers, play music, etc.  All of us work for living so why not take some time to thank yourself for all that you do.  Even God wants you to have some fun – Ecclesiastes 3:13:  13 and also that every man should eat and drink and see and enjoy the good of all his labor—it is the gift of God.
  1. Take a tip from Tupac Shakur –  Keep your head up!  No matter the circumstances you face, force yourself to stay positive & demand a positive outcome.

God made you to do great things and you have to believe that!  God also wants you to enjoy this life that He has given you as you complete your earthly assignment.  Jesus talks about this in John 15:11: 11 I have told you these things so that My joy and delight may be in you, and that your joy may be made full and complete and overflowing.

No one can or will celebrate you like you can!  Show the world how great you are as you celebrate you!

One Comment

  • Clarence D.Sellers Jr

    This is great, time to celebrate and enjoy my life in God. Thank you for this, this was truly a blessing.